This morning was the return of the annual egg-coloring festivities. Nothing fancy here yet, the kids just enjoy getting the colors on the eggs.

A little later today we’ll be heading over to my brother’s house, in addition to Easter being tomorrow, it also happens to be my niece’s third birthday, so we’re having the birthday party today. And of course, Easter and birthday would not be complete without a blanket of snow. And blowing wind. Where did spring go?

3 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

  1. Looks like fun! I though about dying some eggs, maybe even trying the natural method…I didn’t do it! How y’all had a Happy Easter! I made the cobbler thing that we call Rose Pie (it IS named after someone!) and posted about it. Have a great day and getting back the routine next week.

  2. happy belated easter Erika! love the expression on the children! i heard that midwest is still chilly, huh?

  3. Happy Easter girls!

    Getting back to routine will be tough! I enjoyed Abigail being home- and I’m looking forward to summer, despite the chilly weather right now.

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