I’m officially tired of leftovers and comfort food. I’m running out of creative bones to reinvent those leftovers just one more time. Ugh. And it’s April! We’re supposed to be firing up the grill from time to time, and instead it’s like 30 degrees out- so no grilling yet. All that to say that I have no idea what’s ahead for the week. There is a chance that Andy may actually be back to work this week. If not this week, it will be within the next two, so that is a HUGE happy thought. In the meantime though, I’m in a bit of a cooking slump, with not so much ambition. Tonights dinner will probably be a chicken pot pie, because I have leftover chicken and different vegetables that need to be used up. (Thank goodness I’ve had that inspiration at least!)I’ve posted about that a few times already- the recipe is here for anyone interested. Maybe I’ll bake something today…

2 thoughts on “Cooking Slump

  1. If you had ham leftover I would say to do a ham, potato, and cheese casserole or maybe ham, potato, and veggie frittata. Hope you get some inspiration!

  2. Claire, that may very well be tomorrow’s dinner. Hmmm. I was waffling between some kind of ham casserole or a navy bean soup- you know, just one more time before we find spring.

    I actually need to clean the fridge and freezer today, so maybe I will find something exciting.

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