There have been a few times in my life where I have gone through a “gourmet coffee spurt.” Meaning that I go crazy purchasing ingredients and tools to make homemade mocha’s, lattes, and cappuccinos. I can make a mocha that rivals the best one I’ve ever ordered out, and I can pour the best cappuccino- foam and everything. But I’ll tell you…the last time I actually pulled out my cappuccino maker was probably at least two years ago. Yet in my pantry I have a space devoted to those flavored coffee syrups, and they really seldom get used. Every once in a while I’ll think about adding a drizzle to ice cream or I’ll use them if we make snow cones, but mostly, they just sit.

Until now. I was reading one of my regular blogs, Dispensing Happiness a week ago or so, and I saw Stephanie mention adding Cinnamon Torani syrup to some Coke. Wait-what? I have cinnamon syrup…I have Coke… why have I never thought of this? I was ordering vanilla cokes long before it was available for purchase, and the absolute best cherry cokes are the ones made with syrup fresh- not the ones from the can or bottle pre-made for you. Why have I never thought of adding a drizzle of any-flavored syrup to a Coke? Well, I suppose one reason is that I never drink soda. If I drink one a month, that’s a lot. I’d just much rather drink a glass of water or iced tea in the warm months.

But that idea of cinnamon and Coke stuck with me and the other day I put it to the test. I measured two tablespoons of cinnamon syrup into a glass and added my can of Coke. I didn’t use ice since I don’t like it- but I’m sure that would have been great if you like ice in your drinks. I have to tell you, that Coke was delicious, and I instantly wondered why the Coca-Cola company hasn’t thought of this themselves- making and selling flavor shots for Coke. I bet a lot of people would buy them! Being as it was syrup, it did sweeten up the Coke a bit, but that’s where using Coke is better than other colas which I tend to find sweeter. This was really, really good. It might be hazardous to keep Coke around for a little while. It was a great treat, and I’m even thinking that a little non-alcoholic “Coke Bar” would be a fun idea for a summer barbecue or party.

4 thoughts on “Weekend Fun

  1. Hey Erika – I noticed that the picture of your coke is somehow pushing itself into the post below is making everything off-set. Do you see that?

  2. Thanks Joe- that’s what I get for not looking at the post today. I have no idea what it was doing…but it’s all better now.

  3. Erika, what fun! The cinnamon-Coke combination has NEVER occurred to me, but it sounds delicious! And I think the idea of a Coke bar for a summer party is fabulous…can i steal it? (Maybe that will be my party that you have to rush to the Cities to help me get ready for in your dream!) 🙂

  4. Lol Elisabeth! Yes, please do steal it- doesn’t it sound like a fun idea!? Just imagine the possibilities…I already have my eye on a bottle of orange syrup and raspberey syrup. Chocolate Coke? Yum!

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