I imagine that by this time of year, most people are tired of the same old grill fare- burgers, dogs, brats, etc.  Not us.  In fact, we’ve had hot dogs twice, brats once, and burgers once- and that was way back in March!  They’ve simply been off my radar, so when Zander asked for “Krabbie Patties” for dinner, I thought it was the perfect suggestion.  Krabbie Patties?  Hey, if Zander needs to call a burger a Krabbie Pattie in order to put it in his mouth, I’m all over that one.

I thought about simply buying pre-formed patties, but then I began thinking about cheese, and somehow that led to a jar of jalapenos in the fridge and the thought that perhaps I could stuff a burger with cheese and jalapenos.  So I had to try it.  For the kids I just made plain burgers- adding sliced cheddar to Abigails, but for myself I decided to see if I could actually stuff things inside a burger and have it turn out.

The procedure was easy.  I seasoned my ground beef-using plenty of Worcestershire sauce and a new seasoning from Penzey’s called BBQ 3000, seasoning salt, and pepper.  Then I shaped the kids burgers before attempting mine.  I began by making two balls of ground beef that were approximately the same size, as well as slicing off a few chunks of mozarella cheese.

Once my ingredients were assembled, I flattened the balls into patties and centered the cheese and sliced jalapenos on one of the patties.

I topped this with the other pattie, and then carefully pressed the two together.  I wanted sealed edges, so I wouldn’t lose my cheese, but I didn’t want to press to hard and cause the fillings to come out before I even cooked the burger.

My burger cooked in the same amount of time as the kids, and as it turned out, I did not do the best job of sealing the burger, as cheese began leaking while it was still on the grill.  Nevertheless, most of the cheese stayed inside, and when I sliced the burger in half before eating, I was rewarded with a rather indulgent site of the stuffed burger.

I have no recipe for you, only these pictures today, and the proof positive that stuffing a burger does work- and is actually quite easy.

I also have the pleasure today of announcing that the Grow Your Own #12 Round-Up is alive and kicking over at Andrea’s Recipes.   Be sure and check it out, as there are a few things there that I’ve never even heard of!   And speaking of growing my own, I have a new garden update in the Garden Notes– I found a few new cool things, and had a few thoughts to get down.  Today we’re picking up my blueberry order, so I hope to share some berry-licious treats in the next few days. Stay tuned!

5 thoughts on “Stuffin’ Burgers

  1. I love the idea of stuffing a burger… seems like such a simple idea, and the options are endless! My hubby would love your version!

  2. That burger looks so yummy right now…

    I really like them stuffed with feta cheese. But really I haven’t met a burger I didn’t like 😉

  3. Patsy, it was definitely easier than I thought it would be. I had been sure I was missing something, the only tip I would have would be to try your best to make sure you get the patties sealed together well.

    Josie, feta sounds like a great choice!

  4. The one time I tried stuffing a burger–with blue cheese–I guess I was too conservative because it all just melted into the burger. Glad to see you had better luck–I am inspired to try again. When I find my grill from moving that is. 🙂

  5. Laura, I definitely don’t envy you and your moving adventures. I bet DH would love a bleu cheese version, but it is a softer cheese, and I could see how it would melt away rather quickly.

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